
Are you looking for a partner?

We are!

We believer partnering across sectors makes us all stronger. That’s why we seek out companies who really wants to get bang for their buck and make a difference in the world.

When a company partner with us on their Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR or the ‘S’ in ESG) projects, they can focus on their core competencies and business activities. CSR projects often require a significant amount of time, resources, and expertise, which may not be available within the company. By outsourcing these projects to us (or other NGOs), companies can free up their internal resources and focus on what they do best.

Corporate Social Responsibility CSR

Another benefit to cross-sector partnerships on CSR projects is access to expertise and experience - for both the company and the NGO.

We have a wealth of local knowledge and experience in the local area, in the culture, social issues and strengths, environmental problems and potential solutions, community development, and healthcare. By working with us, companies can tap into this expertise and leverage it to achieve their CSR goals.

We have established long-standing networks and relationships with local communities, which can be difficult for companies to build on their own. We can help companies gain access to these networks and build stronger relationships with stakeholders and communities.

Partnerships enhances company reputation and brand image. When a company engages in socially responsible activities, it can help improve its public image and reputation. We deliver regular reports ready to publicise, financial reports and a solid measurement of impact. That’s a pretty good ROI!

Overall, partnering on CSR projects is a win-win situation for both companies and NGOs. Companies achieve their CSR goals more effectively and efficiently while freeing up their internal resources, and NGOs can leverage their expertise and experience to make a positive impact in the communities they serve.

What do we offer you?

We assist you, and your company, to reach your ESG goals in an easy and impactful way. We have the experience and expertise to implement sustainable CSR projects on your behalf.

We create pathways for engagement and value alignment throughout the process. We make sure the project we work on together reflects your core values and beliefs.

We provide clearly defined targets and well-documented results. We deliver regular reports both on social impact and on financial measures.

What are you waiting for?

Contact us now to be our partner!

Thank you


Why should we care about poverty in Africa?

Africa, and Tanzania specifically, is so far away. That can’t possible affect me, nor be my responsibility, right?

I agree, Tanzania is far away - more than 8,000km if you could fly directly - but poverty in Africa DOES affect you on daily basis, and it IS everyones responsibility. I’ll tell you why:

First of all, there are the humanitarian reasons.

Poverty is a human rights issue, and everyone deserves to have access to basic needs such as food, water, healthcare, and education. Poverty in Africa can lead to widespread suffering, and it is our moral obligation as global citizens to help those in need. Don’t you think?


Secondly, there are economic reasons.

Poverty in Africa has negative economic impacts not just for the continent but also for the global economy. Poverty leads to decreased productivity, increased healthcare costs, and decreased economic growth, which has a ripple effect throughout the world. We are seeing it now with inflation and recessions, and increased costs of living.


Poverty also affects political stability.

Poverty is a major contributor to political instability and conflict, which has serious consequences for both the continent and the world. By addressing poverty in Africa, we can help promote political stability and reduce the likelihood of conflict and instability.

Conflict and instability often leads to an increase in migration and in refugees.

African toddler being weighed in hospital

Global health is another reason to want to minimise poverty in Africa.

Poverty can contribute to the spread of diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis, and recently we have all experienced how COVID affected us all.

Addressing poverty in Africa can help to improve public health outcomes both within Africa and globally.


Finally, climate change is connected to poverty alleviation.

Poverty also contributes to climate change and environmental degradation, which has serious consequences for the world. By addressing poverty in Africa and promoting sustainable development, we can help to mitigate the effects of climate change and promote a more sustainable future.

This is truly in everyone’s interests, right?

We can help you!

We give you a tangible and impactful way to make a positive and sustainable change for people living in severe poverty.

We offer you a pathway to create this change with minimal administrative layers between donation to beneficiary.

 Thank YOU
